•Ball to be played with paddle only
•No use of hands, feet or head to advance ball
•Ball can only be played while standing up, no kneeling or in the water passes or shots.
•No goalie in front of the goal allowed, all players must be paddling.
•No intentional contact with another player by striking paddles, or boards.
Minor fouls:
•Use of hand or feet to block or advance ball – opposing team gets ball at point of foul.
•Running into another team players board or stepping on another players board– opposing team
receives ball at point of contact.
•A player is positioned in front of goal without paddling and acting as a goalie – opposing team
receives the ball.
•Kneeling while passing the ball or retrieving ball from the water while player is in the water
– opposing team receives ball at point of foul.
Major Fouls:
•Intentionally charging another players board with your board – 1 min penalty assessed.
•Using hands or feet or head to block goal from being scored – penalty shot from midfield
•Player is standing in front of goal (blocking), without paddling, shot is taken and blocked
– penalty shot from midfield
•When penalty shots are taken, all players must be behind player taking shot at midfield.
•Any player receiving 3 (1 min) penalties is disqualified. Team will play remainder of the game
with only 2 players.
• Consist of 3 players each team with 1 alternate substitute.
•Each team may make 1 substitute per half.
•Ball to be played with paddle only
•No use of hands, feet or head to advance ball
•Ball can only be played while standing up, no kneeling or in the water passes or shots.
•No goalie in front of the goal allowed, all players must be paddling.
•No intentional contact with another player by striking paddles, or boards.
Minor fouls:
•Use of hand or feet to block or advance ball – opposing team gets ball at point of foul.
•Running into another team players board or stepping on another players board– opposing team
receives ball at point of contact.
•A player is positioned in front of goal without paddling and acting as a goalie – opposing team
receives the ball.
•Kneeling while passing the ball or retrieving ball from the water while player is in the water
– opposing team receives ball at point of foul.
Major Fouls:
•Intentionally charging another players board with your board – 1 min penalty assessed.
•Using hands or feet or head to block goal from being scored – penalty shot from midfield
•Player is standing in front of goal (blocking), without paddling, shot is taken and blocked
– penalty shot from midfield
•When penalty shots are taken, all players must be behind player taking shot at midfield.
•Any player receiving 3 (1 min) penalties is disqualified. Team will play remainder of the game
with only 2 players.
• Consist of 3 players each team with 1 alternate substitute.
•Each team may make 1 substitute per half.